Tip Test week starts today and goes until Thursday 25/11/21.
To pass a tip test:
Students need to pass their Tip Tests. To find out exactly what you need to do for your Tip Test go to: https://student.shiremartialarts.com.au/home/log-in and then click on the yellow, blue and red graphic that says ‘Colour Belt Student’. You will be prompted for a password.
White belt students please ask about your Tip Test at reception.
Belt Graduation Forms
If you are graduating to the next belt, please download, complete and return your Belt Graduation Application form this week, NOT on the day of belt graduation.
You can download a form by going to https://student.shiremartialarts.com.au/home/log-in
Alternatively, go to www.shiremartialarts.com.au then go to the top right of the screen and click on ‘Log In’ and scroll down.
If, for whatever reason you don’t have access to a printer, ask at reception and we’ll give you one.
If you don’t know your password, what to do on Tip Test Week, Belt Graduation or anything to do with you or child’s program, either ask us at reception, click on the ‘Contact Us’ link at the bottom of this page or call 9531 7648.
This month’s Belt Graduation in on Friday 26/11/21