Traditional Martial Arts and Personal Development in the Sutherland Shire since 1995

Click Here For the 3 Class Intro Program Details and Booking Link
The Shire Martial Arts Teen Black Belt Program has a 11-15 yr old age specific curriculum.
This program is broken into 3 parts. The Yellow program (beginners), the Blue program (intermediate) and the Red program (advanced).
The ‘SMA’ Teens start off slowly in the Yellow program so that they may develop a strong Martial Arts foundation.
Firstly, we teach them how to develop strength by giving them a rigorous work out that includes push ups, abdominal work, and some Martial Arts specific strength building skills.
We also teach them how to build their endurance by skipping and with lots of other exciting martial arts drills. Everyone sweats at Shire Martial Arts!
Goodbye to ‘little’ upsets
The positive attitude adjustment gained from regular Martial Arts training, soon makes a student’s self esteem and confidence grow and develop to a level where eventually, it’s possible for them to implicitly trust their own judgment and thoughts.
This self trust, allows students to shift their focus off the effects of their ‘problems’ and onto ways to deal with them.
Many students say that Martial Arts training helps them feel as though they are moving onwards and upwards in life instead of stagnating or wallowing in it.
The payoff for a student, is when one day, they suddenly realise literally, that life’s ‘upsets’ no longer affect them in the dramatic way they once used to.
We also teach teens effective self defence and escape moves in a structured way so that they may be learned properly and be retained for life.
As Teen students progress into the Blue and subsequent Red program, we introduce them to Martial arts weapons such as the long stick (Bong Sul).
Our Blue and Red curriculum is also designed so each and every student is able to escape and defend themselves against multiple assailants as well as knife and club attacks.
Teen Class Times:
5.30 pm – 6.15 pm Monday – Thursdays
The Teen Program: Getting Started
Your teen’s Shire Martial Arts journey begins with our 3 class Introductory Program, which is a structured 2 week induction that will help you, and them get a good idea about:
- The logistics of Martial Arts training
- What it’s like training at Shire Martial Arts
- What the classes involve
- If we’re going to be a good fit
Our Intro Program involves your teen coming to class twice in the first week and then once in the second week (or the other way around).
This will help you and them get a feel for our Martial Arts black belt school and our personal development programs.
Once your teen completes the Intro Program, you can then both make an informed decision about taking the next step and enrolling them as a Shire Martial Arts student.
Click Here For the 3 Class Intro Program Details and Booking Link

Intro Program Notes
How much does a Shire Martial Arts Intro Program cost?
The total cost for all the 3 classes of the Intro Program is:
1 student: $65
2 or more students from the same family: $85
What is Personal Development for Teens?
The focus of the Teens Program is not about sport. It’s about developing confidence, respect and resilience.
We also help 11-15 year olds learn how to deal with stress and anxiety, as well as developing social cues, within the context of learning self defence.
Your Teen’s personal development begins as soon as you enroll them into our Intro Program.
For example, no matter how excited a teen may be at the prospect of trying out Martial Arts, the reality is that it can be quite daunting walking into the training environment for the first time. Therefore, to help your teen succeed it’s important to ask them;
“I want you to promise me that you’ll do 3 classes”.
“Then, if you enjoy it, we can talk about enrolling you so you can get a uniform. If you don’t enjoy it, at least you tried it out and gave it a go”.
“Will you promise me you’ll do that?”
The Intro Program and Teenagers
As mentioned, our Martial Arts programs are unique because they are based on personal development. This begins with the Intro Program. Please be assured that our friendly team members will see that your Teen feels included and supported.
What to wear and bring
Wear comfortable clothing, such as track suit pants, shorts, tights and t-shirt. We have professional Martial Arts mats and train in bare feet. There are changing facilities for your convenience.
Special Bonus
A) If you have 2 kids enrolled at Shire Martial Arts, Mum or Dad can train for FREE.
B) If you have 3 or more kids enrolled Mum AND Dad can train for free
Click Here For the 3 Class Intro Program Details and Booking Link